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Thank you for considering donating to Harvard Mock Trial.

Please view our sponsorship tiers and budget breakdown below.

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Sponsorship Tiers

We hope you consider donating to the Harvard Mock Trial Association. We are a student group and all donations go directly to funding the costs of our traveling teams and competitive material. 


Below please view our sponsorship tiers and their respective sponsorship benefits:​​

Sponsorship Tiers



Featured on

HMTA Website

Free Half-Page


in Seminar


Free Full-Page


in Seminar



on Seminar

Apparel and


Free Advertising

Placement in

Student Packs*

Friend of Harvard Mock Trial

(under $200)

Bronze Sponsor

($200 - $499)

Silver Sponsor

($500 - $999)

Gold Sponsor

($1,000 – $1,999)

Platinum Sponsor


*Availability is limited by donation date. Please contact to learn about the availability of these benefits.

Sponsorship Benefits

Name/Company Featured on HMTA Website
All donors will be featured on our website. We will happily link your company logo to your webpage as well.

Advertisement in Seminar Guidebook*

As part of our high school seminar program, which hosts roughly 450 students every fall, we distribute to each student a guidebook for mock trial. Bronze sponsors and above may have their advertisement printed in our guidebook for both the October and November seminar program. 


Name/Logo on Seminar Apparel and Program*

All seminar attendees receive t-shirts and drawstring bags. Gold sponsors and above can opt to have their logo included on our printed materials for the seminar program.

Free Advertising Placement in Student Packs*

Platinum sponsors can opt to include both a guidebook advertisement and their own printed material to be distributed in our students' drawstring packs.

*Availability is limited by donation date. Please contact to learn about the availability of these benefits.

Budget Breakdown







Transportation: 40%

As a traveling team, HMTA incurs many costs on flights, trains, buses, Uber, and Lyft at tournaments.

Accommodations and meals: 43%

In order to make mock trial accessible to all students, HMTA provides hotel accommodations and reasonable meal stipends at all off-campus programming.

Case materials: 3%

Preparing a case includes the costs of printed case packets, legal pads, case boxes, demonstratives, easels, and the cost of transporting materials on flights.

Tournament registration: 10%

All tournaments at the college level charge a registration fee between $150 and $1000 per team.

Team building: 2%

HMTA invests in community building by planning team celebrations and providing team merchandise. 

Other: 2%

Other costs include domain hosting, marketing materials (flyers, posters, etc.), and unforeseen expenses (ATM charges, late fees, etc.)

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© 2024 Harvard Undergraduate Mock Trial Association. All Rights Reserved. The Harvard College name is a trademark of the President and Fellows of Harvard College and is used by permission of Harvard University.
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